Andreas Hohl

Andreas Hohl has transitioned from a seasoned "techie" to an innovative creator in the visual arts. A former trailblazer in stock media for television and film, Andreas now channels his digital prowess into the realm of fine art. Oh, and he paints and does other fun artistic stuff too.

Reinvigorated by a desire to step beyond technology's bounds, he embarked on a journey to reimagine his skillset, capturing the dynamic interplay of time and nature. Andreas's work—particularly in MOPIC (Moving Pictures), a term he coined—repels conventional artistic boundaries by melding elements of cinematography with photography, crafting thought-provoking pieces that resonate with the viewer's senses.

His art, particularly time-lapse footage of weather events, is a challenge to capture but yields a captivating result: single-frame art prints brimming with motion and emotion. As Andreas puts it, "If art presents a metaphor, it becomes visually and intellectually stimulating." This philosophy is evident in his works that are not just seen but felt, engaging both the imagination and intellect.

Discover more about Andreas Hohl's unique approach to art on his website, which also offers an array of production and editing services through VaderVideo. His portfolio is a testament to the seamless fusion of art and technology—a gateway to new perspectives in the visual narrative.

Production & Editing Services:
Explore MOPIC Fine Art:

If you're drawn to art that captures the essence of moments and transforms them into lasting conversations, Andreas Hohl's gallery is a must-see. His work is not just to be observed; it's to be experienced.

"If art presents a metaphor, it becomes visually and intellectually stimulating."


Val Smith